Invest in your organization's future with our flexible employer solutions.

Our learning blends real-world expertise with established knowledge, ensuring your team is prepared for success.

Seminar Cohorts

Have a team take an online course together with regular seminars with experienced Mitchell Hub Mentors.

Custom Catalog

Company-sponsored custom hub of a range of upskilling and professional learning selected to meet the company's needs.

Build Neuroequity

Develop employees by building on the various ways they think, work, and communicate in an equitable working environment.

Professional Learning & Upskilling At A Glance 


of US employers say microcredentials increase likelihood of promotion  


of CT employers say it is hard to find and retain employees**


of US employees needed skills training over the past 5 years.***

* “Credentials at Work: Employer Perceptions of Short-Term Credentials”, 2021 UPCEA & Inside Track
**CBIA’s 2022 Survey of Connecticut Businesses
*** “How Skills Are Disrupting Work: The Transformational Power of Fast Growing, In-Demand Skills”, 2022, Business-Higher Education Forum

Partnership Options

Selected Partners